Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behavior and implications for follower OCB.
The transfer model of organizational identification (OI) posits a trickle-down process of OI from leaders to followers. This, in turn, should foster employees’ willingness to engage in extra-role behaviour. Prior research has provided consistent support for the model in field studies and experimental settings. The present studies extend the OI transfer model by examining the mediating role of transformational leadership (TFL) behaviour in the leader OI-follower OI link. Using a multi-level, multi-source approach we tested
our model in two studies. Study 1 was conducted in Germany (N = 18 leaders and
216 employees) and provided support for the proposed mediation process. In a second
Study, which was conducted in China (N = 44 leaders and 109 followers), we were
able to replicate and extend these findings. Again, leader behaviour mediated the link
between leader OI and employee OI. Additionally, we found that leader transformational behaviour and employee OI together mediated the link between leader OI and employee extra-role efforts.
Schuh, S.C., Zhang, X.-A., Egold, N.W., Graf, M.M., Pandey, D., & Van Dick, R. (2012). Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behavior and implications for follower OCB. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85, 421-432.