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- Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick
- Prof. Guido Friebel, PhD
- Prof. Heather Hofmeister, PhD
- Dr. Antonia Kaluza
- Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Zapf
- Associates
- Kevin Bauer
- Dr. Eva Bracht
- Dr. Stephan Braun
- Anna Daelen
- Julian Detemple
- Dr. Jordi Escartín
- Dr. Markus Eyting
- Jakob Famulok
- Louisa Fink
- Prof. Dr. Andrej Gill
- Prof. Dr. Laura von Gilsa
- Dorian Hartlaub
- Dr. Alina Hernandez Bark
- Sara Herrmann
- Dr. Florian Hett
- Dr. Nina Junker
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kerschreiter
- Marcel Kern
- Benedikt Kratzer
- Jana Kühnel
- Dr. Stefanie Marx-Fleck
- Dr. Lucas Monzani
- Dr. Sebastian Schäfer
- Patrick Schneider
- Miriam Scheppa-Lahyani
- Swana Schuchmann
- Dr. Sebastian C. Schuh
- Walter Matthias Schröder
- Sonja Settele
- Zahra Sharafi-Avarzaman
- Paul Sinzig
- Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Siemens
- Maíra Sontag González
- Kai Trumpold
- Louisa Theisges
- Tristan Stahl
- Anna Winkler
- Alumni
- Anna Lisa Aydin
- Tomás Cano
- Dr. Lena Beitler
- Aljoscha Dreisörner
- Prof. Dr. Diana Boer
- Dr. Dr. Frank Drzensky
- Luise Erfurth
- Dr. Leonie Gerhards
- Anne Göttert
- Dr. Friedericke Hardering
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz
- Dr. Daniel Herbold
- Lena Hünefeld
- Dr. Anne-Kathrin Kronberg
- Dr. Miriam Krüger
- Shuang Liang
- Prof. Anoush Margaryan
- Celina Proch
- Matthias Revers, Ph.D.
- Dr. Sebastian Stegmann
- Alba María Vázquez López
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- Forschung
- Ausgewählte Artikel
- A leader in need is a leader indeed? The influence of leaders' stress mindset on their perception of employee well-being and their intended leadership behavior
- Do leaders condone unethical pro-organizational employee behaviors? The complex interplay between leader organizational identification and moral disengagement
- When and How Health-Oriented Leadership Relates to Employee Well-Being – the Role of Expectations, Self-care, and LMX
- Wie ein Wir entsteht.
- The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model
- Creativity in Non-routine Jobs: The Role of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification
- Die heilsame Kraft des Wir.
- Multiple organizational identities and change in ambivalence: The case of a chinese acquisition in Europe
- Does work engagement exhaust? Investigating the longitudinal relationship between work engagement and exhaustion using latent growth modeling
- Unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams: The paradoxical role of leader mood
- The how and the when of the social cure: A conceptual model of group- and individual-level mechanisms linking social identity to health and well-being
- When “I” becomes “we”, even “illness” turns to “wellness”: Why group life is important for our health.
- Resilient aus der kollektiven Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können
- The relationship among the components of self-compassion: A pilot study using a compassionate writing intervention to enhance self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness
- Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing? The curvilinear relation between identification, overcommitment, and employee well-being
- How do leaders’ perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading-effects model
- Death becomes us! Rethinking leadership charisma as a social inference
- Resilient aus der Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können
- Authoritarian leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational deviance: Curvilinear Relationships
- Congruence in preferences and expectations of work-family role management: Operationalization and the relation with work-family balance and spousal support
- Ambivalent identification as a moderator of the link between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors
- Leadership Behaviour and Leader Self-Reported Well-being: A Review, Integration and Meta-Analytic Examination
- Authoritarian Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Organizational Deviance: Curvilinear Relationship
- Getting older and living up to implicit followership theories: Implications for employee psychological health and job attitudes
- Impact of immunosuppression on executive functioning after pediatric liver transplantation. An observational cohort study
- Coping in the final frontier: An intervention to reduce spaceflight-induced stress
- Construct validity and population-based norms of the German Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
- Beyond One Work Day? A Daily Diary Study on Causal and Reverse Effects Between Experienced Workplace Incivility and Behaving Rude Towards Others
- Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity – ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence
- Between a rock and hard place: Combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and team prototypicality on managerial prohibitive voice
- Identity, importance, and their roles in how corporate social responsibility affects workplace attitudes and behavior
- Attributions of leaders’ charisma increase after their death: the mediating role of identity leadership and identity fusion
- Identity and Stress: An application of the expanded model of organizational identification in predicting strain at work
- Psychosocial outcomes and resilience after paediatric liver transplantation in young adults
- Change Leadership – Warum es sich auszahlt…
- Exploring the social context of self-leadership—Self-Leadership-Culture
- The relation between social identity and test anxiety in university students
- A Matter of Time? Challenging and hindering effects of time pressure on work engagement
- Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
- Age stereotypes in distributed software development: The impact of culture on age-related performance expectations
- Shared identity in organizational stress and change
- Measuring Beliefs in the Instrumentality of Ethnic Diversity – Development and Validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS)
- How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification.
- Die Kontakthypothese: Wie Kontakt Vorurteile reduzieren und die Integration Geflüchteter fördern kann
- Fremder oder Freund? Unter welchen Umständen sich der Kontakt zwischen Deutschen und Geflüchteten positiv auf das Zusammenleben auswirken kann.
- Two sides of the same coin and two routes for improvement: Integrating resilience and the social identity approach to well-being and ill-health
- One, Two, Many – Insensitivity to Group Size in Games with Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs
- Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chain
- Are you really doing good things in your boss’s eyes? Interactive effects of subordinate innovative behavior and leader-member-exchange on supervisor ratings of job performance
- Age stereotypes in agile software development – an empirical study on performance expectations
- Think manager – think male, think follower – think female: Gender bias in implicit followership theories.
- „You’ve got M@il“ Was die E-Mail-Flut für Unternehmen bedeutet und wie Mitarbeiter eine produktive E-Mail-Kultur schaffen
- The impact of a lasting economic crisis on employee attitudes: A follow-up and extension.
- The Effects of Financial and Recognition Incentives Across Work Contexts: The Role of Meaning
- Dying for Charisma: Human inspirational appeal increases post-mortem.
- Beyond pleasure and pain: Observations on real-life facial expressions during extreme emotions
- Reducing age stereotypes in software development: The effects of awareness- and cooperation-based diversity interventions
- Current prescriptions of men and women in differing occupational gender roles
- The social identity approach to effective leadership: An overview and some ideas on cross-cultural generalizability
- A meta-analytic review of social identification and health in organizational contexts
- It takes two (or three) to tango: The interactive effect of authentic leadership and organizational identification on employee silence intentions.
- Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy.
- Mixed feelings, mixed blessing? How ambivalence in organizational identification relates to employees’ regulatory focus and citizenship behaviors.
- The ideal and the counter-ideal follower –Advancing implicit followership theories
- Organizational Identification and “Currencies of Exchange”: Integrating Social Identity and Social Exchange Perspectives
- Disaggregating within- and between-person effects of social identification on subjective and endocrinological stress reactions in a real-life stress situation.
- Getting everyone on board: The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leader-rated firm performance
- Goodbye or identify: Detrimental effects of downsizing on identification and survivor performance
- Sinnvolle Arbeit ist identitätsstiftend – Zur Bedeutung der sozialen Identifikation als Wirkmechanismus zwischen Bedeutsamkeit der Aufgabe und Arbeitseinstellungen
- The Hidden Costs of Downsizing
- The role of outgroups in constructing a shared identity: a longitudinal study of a subsidiary merger in Mexico
- Media slant against foreign owners: Downsizing
- Emails from the boss – curse or blessing? Relations between communication channels, leader evaluation and employees’ attitudes
- Why Does Organizational Identification Relate to Reduced Employee Burnout? The Mediating Influence of Social Support and Collective Efficacy
- Being ‘Of the Group’ and ‘For the Group’: How Followership is Shaped by Leaders’ Prototypicality and Group Identification
- Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia
- The synergistic effect of prototypicality and authenticity in the relation between leaders' gender and their organizational identification
- Gesundheitsfalle Überidentifikation: Gut gemeint bedeutet nicht gut gemacht
- Making support work: The interplay between social support and social identity
- Gender and leadership in Spain: A systematic review of some key aspects
- Who shall I trust? Trust as a mediator between identity salience and cooperative behavior
- Ideal- and counter-ideal values as two distinct forces: Exploring a gap in organizational value research
- Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity
- Economic crisis and the employee: The effects of economic crisis on employee job satisfaction, commitment, and self-regulation
- Staying or leaving: A combined social identity and social exchange approach to predicting employee turnover intentions
- Pro-social missions and worker motivation: An experimental study
- Can you trust the good guys? Trust within and between groups with different missions
- Gender differences in leadership role occupancy: The mediating role of power motivation
- Loafing in the digital age: The role of computer mediated communication in the relation between perceived loafing and group affective outcomes
- Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity
- More than music! A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis in German-Polish music encounters
- Focusing on the bright tomorrow? The role of projected continuity for post-merger identification in dominant and subordinate merging organizations
- Corporate social responsibility and organizational commitment: The moderating role of individuals’ attitudes to CSR
- "We" are not stressed: Social identity in groups buffers neuroendocrine stress reactions
- Management Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in RussiaManagement Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in Russia
- Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa
- Quantifying the effects of a resocialization project for prisoners - The resocialization project "MS Carmen"
- Authenticity, employee silence, prohibitive voice, and the moderating role of organizational identification
- Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying
- Within-person Variation in Affective Commitment to Teams: Where It Comes From and Why It Matters
- Is an outgroup member in need a friend indeed? Personal and task-oriented contact as predictors of intergroup prosocial behavior
- For the good or the bad? Interactive effects of transformational leadership with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors
- Towards understanding the role of organizational identification in service settings: A multilevel, multisource study.
- Club-in-the-club: Reform under unanimity
- The downside of organizational identification: Relationships between identification, workaholism and well-being
- Do I hear the whistle? A first attempt to measure four forms of employee silence and their correlates.
- Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behavior and implications for follower OCB.
- Getting Tuned in to Those Who Are Different: The Role of Empathy as Mediator between Diversity and Performance
- I feel bad - We feel good!? Emotions as a driver for personal and organizational identity and organizational identification as a resource for serving unfriendly customers.
- It's All About Connections: Evidence on Network Formation
- Whistle-Blowing and Incentives in Firms
- Opportunity, fair process and relationship value: Career development as a driver of proactive behavior
- How Do Transformational Leaders Foster Positive Employee Outcomes? A Self-Determination Based Analysis of Employees’ Needs as Mediating Links
- Do women behave more reciprocally than men? Gender differences in real effort dictator games
- The Relationship Between Leaders’ Group-Oriented Values and Follower Identification with and Endorsement of Leaders: The Moderating Role of Leaders’ Group Membership
- Do women prefer longer conversations? Evidence of communication preferences from telephone use
- Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control
- Getting More Work for Nothing? Symbolic Awards and Worker Performance.
- Competition, cooperation, and corporate culture
- Two lighthouses to navigate: Effects of ideal and counter-ideal values on follower identification and satisfaction
- Conditional Cooperation and Costly Monitoring Explain Success in Forest Commons Management
- Resource Allocation and Organizational Form
- The role of job-related spatial mobility in constructing gender relations in society and in intimate relationships in Germany and Poland.
- Railroad (De)Regulation - A European Efficiency Comparison
- Fighting for Talent: Risk-shifting, Corporate Volatility, and Organizational Change
- A social identity perspective on leadership and employee creativity.
- Institution Formation in Public Goods Games.
- Worker Self-Selection and the Profits from Cooperation.
- The role of leaders in internal marketing.
- Substitutes for procedural fairness: Prototypical leaders are endorsed whether they are fair or not.
- Group diversity and group identification: The moderating role of diversity beliefs.
- Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union.
- Interactive effects of work group and organizational identitification on job satisfaction and extra-role behavior.
- The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Watch and Norm Enforcement.
- Relationships between leader and follower organizational identification and implications for follower attitudes and behaviour
- The Hidden Cost of Control
- Late 20th century persistence and decline of the female homemaker in Germany and the United States
- Boundary spanners’ identification, intergroup contact and effective intergroup relations
- Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-Financed Migration
- Attaching Workers Through In-kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia"
- Geographic Mobility of Couples in the United States: Relocation and Commuting Trends
- It's not only clients: Studying emotion work with clients and co-workers with an event-sampling approach
- Neuroeconomic Foundations of Trust and Social Preferences
- Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans
- A Positive Theory of "Give-away" Privatization"
- Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication
- Role of perceived importance in intergroup contact
- Customer-related social stressors and burnout
- Social Stressors at Work, Irritation, and Depressive Symptoms: Accounting for Unmeasured Third Variables in a Multi-Wave Study
- Why negative affectivity should not be controlled in job stress research: Don't throw out the baby with the bath water
- Social Support, Social Stressors at Work and Depression: Testing for Moderating Effects with Structural Equations in a 3-wave Longitudinal Study
- Bücher
- WDQ. Work Design Questionnaire
- Führungsstile: Prominenten und Persönlichkeiten über die Schulter geschaut
- Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications
- Identifikation und Commitment fördern
- Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung: Wirtschaftspsychologisches Praxiswissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte
- Stress lass nach! Wie Gruppen unser Stresserleben beeinflussen
- Social Psychology and Organizations
- Globalization, Uncertainty and Women's Careers - An International Comparison
- Teamwork, Teamdiagnose, Teamentwicklung
- Commitment und Identifikation mit Organisationen
- Couples’ Commutes to Work Considering Workplace, Household, and Neighborhood Contexts: The Traffic Triangle
- Buchkapitel
- Vertrauen in Organisationen
- Praxis
- Warum CLBO
- Praxisvorträge
- Kompetenzfelder
- Effektivität von Führungskräften
- Motivation und Anreize
- Management von Kundenbeziehungen
- Gesundheit im Unternehmen
- Diversität in Organisationen
- Talent- und Karrieremanagement
- Gruppen und Teams
- Leistungsmessung und –evaluierung
- Change Management
- Kooperationsformen
- Beiträge in Managermagazinen
- Warum Kreativität bestraft wird
- Guter Mitarbeiter, Schlechter Mitarbieter
- Für mehr Wir. Warum Führungskräfte mehr Zeit zur Identitätsstiftung brauchen.
- Bloß keinen vernachlässigen
- Arbeitsmoral sinkt in ökonomischen Krisen
- Gefährliche Begeisterung
- Elf Regeln für das Teamwork
- Wollen Frauen führen?
- Die falsche Kontrolle
- Gesünder in der Gruppe
- Selbstmanagement. Behalten Sie Ihre Ziele für sich
- Wie Sie ein Leitbild entwerfen
- Schluss mit endlosen Meetings
- Vertrauen in Organisationen
- Video Interviews
- News & Events
- Kontakt
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- Sitemap
Sitemap für www.clbo-frankfurt.org
- Home
- Profil
- Forschung
- Ausgewählte Artikel
- A leader in need is a leader indeed? The influence of leaders‘ stress mindset on their perception of employee well-being and their intended leadership behavior
- Do leaders condone unethical pro-organizational employee behaviors? The complex interplay between leader organizational identification and moral disengagement
- When and How Health-Oriented Leadership Relates to Employee Well-Being – the Role of Expectations, Self-care, and LMX
- The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model
- Wie ein Wir entsteht.
- Creativity in Non-routine Jobs: The Role of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification
- Die heilsame Kraft des Wir.
- Multiple organizational identities and change in ambivalence: The case of a chinese acquisition in Europe
- Does work engagement exhaust? Investigating the longitudinal relationship between work engagement and exhaustion using latent growth modeling
- Unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams: The paradoxical role of leader mood
- The how and the when of the social cure: A conceptual model of group- and individual-level mechanisms linking social identity to health and well-being
- When “I” becomes “we”, even “illness” turns to “wellness”: Why group life is important for our health.
- Resilient aus der kollektiven Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können
- The relationship among the components of self-compassion: A pilot study using a compassionate writing intervention to enhance self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness
- Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing? The curvilinear relation between identification, overcommitment, and employee well-being
- How do leaders’ perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading-effects model
- Death becomes us! Rethinking leadership charisma as a social inference
- Resilient aus der Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können
- Authoritarian leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational deviance: Curvilinear Relationships
- Congruence in preferences and expectations of work-family role management: Operationalization and the relation with work-family balance and spousal support
- Ambivalent identification as a moderator of the link between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors
- Leadership Behaviour and Leader Self-Reported Well-being: A Review, Integration and Meta-Analytic Examination
- Authoritarian Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Organizational Deviance: Curvilinear Relationship
- Getting older and living up to implicit followership theories: Implications for employee psychological health and job attitudes
- Impact of immunosuppression on executive functioning after pediatric liver transplantation. An observational cohort study
- Coping in the final frontier: An intervention to reduce spaceflight-induced stress
- Beyond One Work Day? A Daily Diary Study on Causal and Reverse Effects Between Experienced Workplace Incivility and Behaving Rude Towards Others
- Construct validity and population-based norms of the German Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
- Between a rock and hard place: Combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and team prototypicality on managerial prohibitive voice
- Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity – ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence
- Identity, importance, and their roles in how corporate social responsibility affects workplace attitudes and behavior
- Attributions of leaders’ charisma increase after their death: the mediating role of identity leadership and identity fusion
- Identity and Stress: An application of the expanded model of organizational identification in predicting strain at work
- Psychosocial outcomes and resilience after paediatric liver transplantation in young adults
- Change Leadership – Warum es sich auszahlt…
- Exploring the social context of self-leadership—Self-Leadership-Culture
- The relation between social identity and test anxiety in university students
- A Matter of Time? Challenging and hindering effects of time pressure on work engagement
- Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
- Age stereotypes in distributed software development: The impact of culture on age-related performance expectations
- Measuring Beliefs in the Instrumentality of Ethnic Diversity – Development and Validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS)
- Shared identity in organizational stress and change
- How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification.
- Die Kontakthypothese: Wie Kontakt Vorurteile reduzieren und die Integration Geflüchteter fördern kann
- Fremder oder Freund? Unter welchen Umständen sich der Kontakt zwischen Deutschen und Geflüchteten positiv auf das Zusammenleben auswirken kann.
- Two sides of the same coin and two routes for improvement: Integrating resilience and the social identity approach to well-being and ill-health
- One, Two, Many – Insensitivity to Group Size in Games with Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs
- Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chain
- Are you really doing good things in your boss’s eyes? Interactive effects of subordinate innovative behavior and leader-member-exchange on supervisor ratings of job performance
- Age stereotypes in agile software development – an empirical study on performance expectations
- Think manager – think male, think follower – think female: Gender bias in implicit followership theories.
- „You’ve got M@il“ Was die E-Mail-Flut für Unternehmen bedeutet und wie Mitarbeiter eine produktive E-Mail-Kultur schaffen
- The Effects of Financial and Recognition Incentives Across Work Contexts: The Role of Meaning
- The impact of a lasting economic crisis on employee attitudes: A follow-up and extension.
- Dying for Charisma: Human inspirational appeal increases post-mortem.
- Beyond pleasure and pain: Observations on real-life facial expressions during extreme emotions
- Current prescriptions of men and women in differing occupational gender roles
- Reducing age stereotypes in software development: The effects of awareness- and cooperation-based diversity interventions
- The social identity approach to effective leadership: An overview and some ideas on cross-cultural generalizability
- A meta-analytic review of social identification and health in organizational contexts
- It takes two (or three) to tango: The interactive effect of authentic leadership and organizational identification on employee silence intentions.
- Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy.
- Mixed feelings, mixed blessing? How ambivalence in organizational identification relates to employees’ regulatory focus and citizenship behaviors.
- Organizational Identification and “Currencies of Exchange”: Integrating Social Identity and Social Exchange Perspectives
- The ideal and the counter-ideal follower –Advancing implicit followership theories
- Disaggregating within- and between-person effects of social identification on subjective and endocrinological stress reactions in a real-life stress situation.
- Getting everyone on board: The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leader-rated firm performance
- Goodbye or identify: Detrimental effects of downsizing on identification and survivor performance
- Sinnvolle Arbeit ist identitätsstiftend – Zur Bedeutung der sozialen Identifikation als Wirkmechanismus zwischen Bedeutsamkeit der Aufgabe und Arbeitseinstellungen
- The Hidden Costs of Downsizing
- The role of outgroups in constructing a shared identity: a longitudinal study of a subsidiary merger in Mexico
- Media slant against foreign owners: Downsizing
- Emails from the boss – curse or blessing? Relations between communication channels, leader evaluation and employees’ attitudes
- Why Does Organizational Identification Relate to Reduced Employee Burnout? The Mediating Influence of Social Support and Collective Efficacy
- Being ‘Of the Group’ and ‘For the Group’: How Followership is Shaped by Leaders’ Prototypicality and Group Identification
- Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia
- The synergistic effect of prototypicality and authenticity in the relation between leaders‘ gender and their organizational identification
- Gesundheitsfalle Überidentifikation: Gut gemeint bedeutet nicht gut gemacht
- Making support work: The interplay between social support and social identity
- Gender and leadership in Spain: A systematic review of some key aspects
- Who shall I trust? Trust as a mediator between identity salience and cooperative behavior
- Ideal- and counter-ideal values as two distinct forces: Exploring a gap in organizational value research
- Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity
- Economic crisis and the employee: The effects of economic crisis on employee job satisfaction, commitment, and self-regulation
- Staying or leaving: A combined social identity and social exchange approach to predicting employee turnover intentions
- Pro-social missions and worker motivation: An experimental study
- Can you trust the good guys? Trust within and between groups with different missions
- Gender differences in leadership role occupancy: The mediating role of power motivation
- Loafing in the digital age: The role of computer mediated communication in the relation between perceived loafing and group affective outcomes
- Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity
- More than music! A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis in German-Polish music encounters
- Focusing on the bright tomorrow? The role of projected continuity for post-merger identification in dominant and subordinate merging organizations
- Corporate social responsibility and organizational commitment: The moderating role of individuals’ attitudes to CSR
- „We“ are not stressed: Social identity in groups buffers neuroendocrine stress reactions
- Management Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in RussiaManagement Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in Russia
- Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa
- Quantifying the effects of a resocialization project for prisoners – The resocialization project „MS Carmen“
- Authenticity, employee silence, prohibitive voice, and the moderating role of organizational identification
- Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying
- Within-person Variation in Affective Commitment to Teams: Where It Comes From and Why It Matters
- Is an outgroup member in need a friend indeed? Personal and task-oriented contact as predictors of intergroup prosocial behavior
- For the good or the bad? Interactive effects of transformational leadership with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors
- Towards understanding the role of organizational identification in service settings: A multilevel, multisource study.
- Club-in-the-club: Reform under unanimity
- The downside of organizational identification: Relationships between identification, workaholism and well-being
- Do I hear the whistle? A first attempt to measure four forms of employee silence and their correlates.
- Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behavior and implications for follower OCB.
- Getting Tuned in to Those Who Are Different: The Role of Empathy as Mediator between Diversity and Performance
- I feel bad – We feel good!? Emotions as a driver for personal and organizational identity and organizational identification as a resource for serving unfriendly customers.
- It’s All About Connections: Evidence on Network Formation
- Whistle-Blowing and Incentives in Firms
- Opportunity, fair process and relationship value: Career development as a driver of proactive behavior
- How Do Transformational Leaders Foster Positive Employee Outcomes? A Self-Determination Based Analysis of Employees’ Needs as Mediating Links
- Do women behave more reciprocally than men? Gender differences in real effort dictator games
- Do women prefer longer conversations? Evidence of communication preferences from telephone use
- The Relationship Between Leaders’ Group-Oriented Values and Follower Identification with and Endorsement of Leaders: The Moderating Role of Leaders’ Group Membership
- Competition, cooperation, and corporate culture
- Getting More Work for Nothing? Symbolic Awards and Worker Performance.
- Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control
- Conditional Cooperation and Costly Monitoring Explain Success in Forest Commons Management
- Resource Allocation and Organizational Form
- The role of job-related spatial mobility in constructing gender relations in society and in intimate relationships in Germany and Poland.
- Two lighthouses to navigate: Effects of ideal and counter-ideal values on follower identification and satisfaction
- Railroad (De)Regulation – A European Efficiency Comparison
- Fighting for Talent: Risk-shifting, Corporate Volatility, and Organizational Change
- A social identity perspective on leadership and employee creativity.
- Institution Formation in Public Goods Games.
- Worker Self-Selection and the Profits from Cooperation.
- The role of leaders in internal marketing.
- Substitutes for procedural fairness: Prototypical leaders are endorsed whether they are fair or not.
- Group diversity and group identification: The moderating role of diversity beliefs.
- Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union.
- Interactive effects of work group and organizational identitification on job satisfaction and extra-role behavior.
- The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Watch and Norm Enforcement.
- Relationships between leader and follower organizational identification and implications for follower attitudes and behaviour
- Late 20th century persistence and decline of the female homemaker in Germany and the United States
- The Hidden Cost of Control
- Boundary spanners’ identification, intergroup contact and effective intergroup relations
- Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-Financed Migration
- Attaching Workers Through In-kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia“
- Geographic Mobility of Couples in the United States: Relocation and Commuting Trends
- It’s not only clients: Studying emotion work with clients and co-workers with an event-sampling approach
- Neuroeconomic Foundations of Trust and Social Preferences
- Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans
- A Positive Theory of „Give-away“ Privatization“
- Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication
- Role of perceived importance in intergroup contact
- Customer-related social stressors and burnout
- Social Stressors at Work, Irritation, and Depressive Symptoms: Accounting for Unmeasured Third Variables in a Multi-Wave Study
- Why negative affectivity should not be controlled in job stress research: Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water
- Social Support, Social Stressors at Work and Depression: Testing for Moderating Effects with Structural Equations in a 3-wave Longitudinal Study
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- Buchkapitel
- Vertrauen in Organisationen
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- Video Interviews
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