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    Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying

    A study of 494 employees nested in workgroups from 19 diferent organizations revealed group identification to be an important factor influencing work-related bullying at both the individual and the group level. Results show that the more employees identified with their group, the less likely they were victims of bullying, which is in line with previous social identity-based analyses of work stress. More importantly, the higher the average level of group identification in the organization, the lower the odds of being a victim versus not being a victim. The latter effect constituted a genuine context effect. These findings redress a neglect of the social bases of workplace bullying and suggest that bullying needs to be understood within a broader perspective of workgroup identities.


    Escartin, J., Ullrich, J., Zapf, D., Schlüter, E., & Van Dick, R. (2013). Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 182-193.

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