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    Ausgewählte Artikel

    Die Mitglieder des CLBO haben in führenden Journals publiziert, darunter im American Economic Review, im Journal of Applied Psychology sowie in Science und Nature. Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl.


    A leader in need is a leader indeed? The influence of leaders' stress mindset on their perception of employee well-being and their intended leadership behavior

    Kaluza, A. J., Junker, N. M., Schuh, S. C., Raesch, P., von Rooy, N. K., & van Dick, R. (2022).
    Applied Psychology

    The ability to respond appropriately to employees' work-related well-being requires leaders to pay attention to their employees' well-being in the first place. We propose that leaders' stress mindset, that is, the belief that stress is enhancing versus debilitating, may bias...

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    Do leaders condone unethical pro-organizational employee behaviors? The complex interplay between leader organizational identification and moral disengagement

    Schuh, S. C., Cai, Y., Kaluza, A. J., Steffens, N. K., David, E. M., & Haslam, A. (2021).
    Human Resource Management.

    Considering recent corporate scandals, organizations have increased their efforts to curb unethical employee behavior. However, little is known about whether leaders comply with these efforts and how they respond to unethical employee behavior, especially when unethical actions benefit the organization....

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    When and How Health-Oriented Leadership Relates to Employee Well-Being – the Role of Expectations, Self-care, and LMX

    Kaluza, A. J., Weber, F., Van Dick, R., & Junker, N. M. (2021).
    Journal of Applied Social Psychology

    Despite the increasing interest in leaders’ health-promoting behavior, the employees’ role in the effectiveness of such behavior and the mechanisms underlying how such leadership behavior affects their well-being have largely been ignored. Drawing on implicit leadership theories, we advance the...

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    Wie ein Wir entsteht.

    Van Dick, R. & Steffens, N.K. (2020).
    Harvard Business Manager. Spezial 2021

    In Teams, die eine gemeinsame Identität entwickeln, gehen Mitarbeiter die berühmte Extrameile. Führungskräfte können ein solches Wirgefühl mittels Identity Leadership gezielt aufbauen und so die Leistung ihres Teams steigern. Hier finden Sie eine Leseprobe.

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    The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model

    Avanzi, L., Perinelli, E., Bressan, M., Balducci, C., Lombardi, L., Fraccaroli, F., & Van Dick, R. (in press).

    Background: Recent research postulated that organizational identification plays an important role in employees’ health and well-being. Building on the Social Identity Approach as a framework, we test the so-called social cure hypothesis, according to which group-based processes of social support...

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    Creativity in Non-routine Jobs: The Role of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification

    Liu, H., Bracht, E., Zhang, X-a., Bradley, B. & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    Creativity and Innovation Management.

    An increasing number of individuals work in jobs with little standardization and repetition, i.e. with high levels of job non-routinization. At the same time, demands for creativity are high, which raises the question of how employees can use job non-routinization...

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    Die heilsame Kraft des Wir.

    Haslam, C., Steffens, N.K., & Van Dick, R. (2020).
    Gehirn & Geist

    Was hilft uns, gesund zu bleiben? Sport und ausgewogene Ernährung? Sicher. Doch laut Psychologen ist ein anderer, lange vernachlässigter Faktor noch entscheidender: die Zugehörigkeit zu sozialen Gruppen. Hier ist eine Leseprobe.

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    Multiple organizational identities and change in ambivalence: The case of a chinese acquisition in Europe

    Liang, S., Lupina-Wegener, A., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (in press).
    Journal of Organizational Change Management.

    Purpose. Building on social identity theory, the purpose of this paper is to examine how European managers construct their multiple identities after being acquired by a Chinese firm, and to determine the key factors contributing to the changing dynamics of...

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    Does work engagement exhaust? Investigating the longitudinal relationship between work engagement and exhaustion using latent growth modeling

    Junker, N. M., Kaluza, A. J., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., van Dick, R., Knoll, M., & Demerouti, E. (in press).
    Applied Psychology: An International Review.

    The relationship between exhaustion and work engagement has received considerable attention during the past decades. Although the theoretical proposition exists that work engagement may increase exhaustion over time, previous research has been mixed. Drawing on the transactional stress model and...

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    Unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams: The paradoxical role of leader mood

    Shemla, M., Kearney, E., Wegge, J. and Stegmann, S. (2020).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

    In a multisource, lagged design field study of 66 consulting teams, we investigated the role of leader mood in unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams. In line with our hypotheses, we found that, given high levels of leader...

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    The how and the when of the social cure: A conceptual model of group- and individual-level mechanisms linking social identity to health and well-being

    Häusser, J.A., Junker, N.M., & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    European Journal of Social Psychology.

    In this article, we aim at theoretical specification and integration of mechanisms proposed within the Social Identity Approach to Health and Well-being. We differentiate group-level and individual-level effects of shared social identity by distinguishing three different aspects: individual identification, group...

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    When “I” becomes “we”, even “illness” turns to “wellness”: Why group life is important for our health.

    Frenzel, S., Junker, N.M., Häusser, J.A., Haslam, S.A., & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    Frontiers for Young Minds

    Vegetables, exercise and friends are good for you. Whereas you already know about the beneficial health effects of the first and second, we want to show you the importance of the latter. Have you ever spent time with friends and...

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    Resilient aus der kollektiven Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können

    Van Dick, R., & Diamond, J. (2020).

    Jared Diamond hat sich bereits 2005 in seinem Buch «Kollaps» damit befasst, warum in der menschlichen Geschichte manche Gesellschaften überlebt haben, während andere untergingen. So zeigt er zum Beispiel, wie die Wikinger auf Grönland aufgrund der Übernutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen...

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    The relationship among the components of self-compassion: A pilot study using a compassionate writing intervention to enhance self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness

    Dreisoerner, A., Junker, N.M., & van Dick, R. (in press).
    Journal of Happiness Studies.

    Self-compassion has been theorized to have three components, each with a positive pole and a negative pole: Self-kindness vs. self-judgment, common humanity vs. isolation, and mindfulness vs. over-identification. Neff (2003a) proposes that they mutually influence each other, however, this proposition...

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    Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing? The curvilinear relation between identification, overcommitment, and employee well-being

    Avanzi, L., Savadori, L., Fraccaroli, F., Ciampa, V., & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    Current Psychology

    Organizational identification reflects the link between employees and their organization and it has been consistently found positively related to employee health and well-being (Steffens, Haslam, Jetten and van Dick 2017). However, recent reviews and initial empirical evidence questioned the assumption...

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    How do leaders’ perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading-effects model

    Kaluza, A. J., Schuh, S. C., Kern, M., Xin, K., & van Dick, R. (2020).
    Human Resource Management

    Although researchers and practitioners increasingly focus on health promotion in organizations, research has been mainly fragmented and fails to integrate different organizational levels in terms of their effects on employee health. Drawing on organizational climate and social identity research, we...

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    Death becomes us! Rethinking leadership charisma as a social inference

    Fink, L., Van Dick, R., Steffens, N.K., Peters, K., & Haslam, S.A. (in press).
    The Routledge Handbook of Charisma

    The chapter contributes a novel perspective to the contemporary discussion of charismatic leadership, which has predominantly revolved around the conceptualization of charisma as an observable set of personality traits or, alternatively, followers’ attributions of these. We depart from both conventional...

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    Resilient aus der Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können

    Van Dick, R., & Diamond, J. (im Druck).

    In diesem Heft geht es um Krisen von Organisationen. Wie gehen Organisationen mit Krisen um und wie kommen sie aus ihnen heraus? Jared Diamond hat sich bereits 2005 in seinem Buch „Kollaps“ damit befasst, warum in der menschlichen Geschichte manche...

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    Authoritarian leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational deviance: Curvilinear Relationships

    Bodla, A.A., Tang, N., van Dick, R., & Mir, U.R. (2019).
    Leadership & Organization Development Journal

    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between authoritarian leadership, organizational citizenship behavior toward one’s supervisor (OCBS) and organizational deviance. The authors hypothesized curvilinear relationships between authoritarian leadership and OCBS, and between authoritarian leadership and...

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    Congruence in preferences and expectations of work-family role management: Operationalization and the relation with work-family balance and spousal support

    Junker, N. M., & van Dick, R. (2020).
    Sex Roles

    Employees with children differ in how they want to manage their work and family roles. By integrating the literature on boundary management and role prioritization, we develop a visual measure to assess five such preferences. These are work-centric (i.e., prioritizing...

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    Ambivalent identification as a moderator of the link between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors

    Ciampa, V. Sirowatka, M., Schuh, S.C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (in press).
    Journal of Business Ethics.

    Although counterproductive work behaviors can be extremely damaging to organizations and society as a whole, we do not yet fully understand the link between employees’ organizational attachment and their intention to engage in such behaviors. Based on social identity theory,...

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    Leadership Behaviour and Leader Self-Reported Well-being: A Review, Integration and Meta-Analytic Examination

    Kaluza, A. J., Boer, D., Buengeler, C., & van Dick, R. (2020).
    Work & Stress

    While the link between leadership and follower well-being is well established, less is known about the relation between leaders’ leadership behaviour and their own well-being. Particularly, a systematic integration of existing studies is missing. Based on an integrated framework summarising...

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    Authoritarian Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Organizational Deviance: Curvilinear Relationship

    Bodla, A.A., Tang, N., & van Dick, R. (in press).
    Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

    Purpose –This paper examines the relationships between authoritarian leadership, organizational citizenship behavior toward one’s supervisor (OCBS), and organizational deviance. We hypothesized a curvilinear relationship between authoritarian leadership and OCBS, and between authoritarian leadership and organizational deviance. Design/methodology/approach –We analyzed two-source...

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    Getting older and living up to implicit followership theories: Implications for employee psychological health and job attitudes

    Stegmann, S., Braun, S., Junker, N.M., & Van Dick, R. (2020).
    Journal of Applied Social Psychology

    Age discrimination at work is a widespread destructive phenomenon that often takes subtle forms. Based on negative stereotypes about older employees, we argue that older employees often experience that they are perceived as less ideal followers than younger employees. We...

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    Impact of immunosuppression on executive functioning after pediatric liver transplantation. An observational cohort study

    Goldschmidt, I., Van Dick, R., Jacobi, C., Junge, N., Pfister, E. Richter, N., & Baumann, U. (2019).
    Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

    Objectives: Children after liver transplantation (LTx) show increased rates of impaired cognitive functioning. We aimed to assess the potential effects of immunosuppressive therapy on executive functioning measured by the Children's Colour Trail Test (CCTT) and the cognitive functioning module of the PedsQL(cogPedsQL) in liver transplanted children in order to explore potential...

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    Coping in the final frontier: An intervention to reduce spaceflight-induced stress

    Monzani, L., Kozusnik, M.W., Ripoll, P., & Van Dick, R. (2019).

    Research in human spaceflight has extensively documented how microgravity environments, such as spaceflight across Low Earth Orbit (LEO), affects astronauts’ and Spaceflight Participants’ emotions. However, a more refined understanding of this topic will become especially relevant as national and international...

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    Construct validity and population-based norms of the German Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)

    Kunzler, A.M., Chmitorz, A., Bagusat, C., Kaluza, A.J., Hoffmann, I., Schäfer, M., Quiring, O., Rigotti, T., Kalisch, R., Tüscher, O., Franke, A.G., van Dick, R., Lieb, K. (2018).
    European Journal of Health Psychology.

    The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) measures the ability to recover from stress. To provide further evidence for construct validity of the German BRS, to determine population-based norms and to identify potential risk groups, a large sample (N = 1,128)representative of...

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    Beyond One Work Day? A Daily Diary Study on Causal and Reverse Effects Between Experienced Workplace Incivility and Behaving Rude Towards Others

    Vahle-Hinz, T., Baethge, A., & Van Dick, R. (2019).
    European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology

    In this diary study with N = 348 employees, we examine whether the contagion effect of workplace incivility transfers beyond one work day that is whether the experience of workplace incivility is related to showing rude behaviours towards others the...

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    Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity – ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence

    Junker, N. M., van Dick, R. Avanzi, L., Häusser, J. A., & Mojzisch, A. (2019).
    British Journal of Social Psychology

    There is strong and consistent evidence that identification with social groups is an important predictor of (ill-)health-related outcomes. However, the mediating mechanisms of the social identification–health link remain unclear. We present results from two studies,which aimed to test how perceived...

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    Between a rock and hard place: Combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and team prototypicality on managerial prohibitive voice

    Monzani, L., Knoll, M., Giessner, S., Van Dick, R., & Peiró, J.M. (2019).
    The Spanish Journal of Psychology

    Managers are installed by the organization’s stakeholders and shareholders to increase the organization’s value; at the same time, they depend on their subordinates’ acceptance to fulfill this leadership role. If the interest of the organization collides with the interest of...

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    Identity, importance, and their roles in how corporate social responsibility affects workplace attitudes and behavior

    Van Dick, R., Crawshaw, J.R., Karpf, S., Schuh, S.C., & Zhang, X.-a. (2020).
    Journal of Business and Psychology

    This paper contributes to growing research exploring employee attitudinal and behavioral reactions to organizational corporate social responsibility initiatives focused on environmental and social responsibility and sustainability. Drawing on social identity theory,we develop and test a moderated-mediation model where employees’ organizational...

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    Attributions of leaders’ charisma increase after their death: the mediating role of identity leadership and identity fusion

    Van Dick, R., Fink, L., Steffens, N.K., Peters, K., & Haslam, S.A. (2019).

    In the present research, we replicate previous research showing that death increases attributions of a leader’s charisma and that this is mediated by followers’ perceptions of a connection between the leader and their group (identity fusion). We also extend previous...

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    Identity and Stress: An application of the expanded model of organizational identification in predicting strain at work

    Ciampa, V., Steffens, N.K., Schuh, S.C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (2019).
    Work & Stress

    We contribute to the understanding of the role of organizational identification for work-related stress by adopting the expanded model of organizational identification (Kreiner &Ashforth 2004). The current study exploresinteractions between organizational identification and theother types of identification of the expanded...

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    Psychosocial outcomes and resilience after paediatric liver transplantation in young adults

    Mayer, K., Junge, N., Goldschmidt, I., Leiskau, C., Becker, T., Lehner, F., Richter, N., van Dick, R., Baumann, U., & Pfister, E.-D. (2019).
    Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology

    We investigated long-term psychosocial outcomes of young adults after paediatric liver transplantation (LT) with a focus on day-to-day living. We aimed to capture patients' subjective perceptions of well-being and autonomy based on key physical outcome parameters. All consecutive patients after...

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    Change Leadership – Warum es sich auszahlt…

    Bänke, A.-K., Schuster, C. & van Dick, R. (2018).

    Zwei Studien zum Einfluss von Change Leadership auf die organisationale Identifikation und positive Verhaltensweisen von Mitarbeitenden im Changeprozess. Eine Leseprobe finden Sie hier. Die Erstveröffentlichung ist in der OrganisationsEntwicklung 3/2018 erschienen (www.zoe-online.org; © Handelsblatt Fachmedien GmbH).

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    Exploring the social context of self-leadership—Self-Leadership-Culture

    Bracht, E.M., Junker, N.M., & Van Dick, R. (2018).
    Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology

    Self-leadership gains in importance in the context of current organizational changes, like in newly developed agile methods,where leadership is mostly replaced by self-leadership (e.g., in Scrum,see Cohn, 2010). Until now, the concept of self-leadership has focused on individual- or team-level...

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    The relation between social identity and test anxiety in university students

    Zwettler, C., Reiß, N., Rohrmann, S., Warnecke, I., Luka-Krausgrill, U. & van Dick, R. (2018).
    Health Psychology Open

    Social identification has been shown to be a protective resource for mental health. In this study, the relationships between social identification and emotional, as well as cognitive symptoms of test anxiety are investigated. Participants were university students diagnosed with test...

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    A Matter of Time? Challenging and hindering effects of time pressure on work engagement

    Baethge, A., Vahle-Hinz, T., Schulte-Braucks, J., & Van Dick, R. (2018).
    Work & Stress

    The aim of our research was to test time-exposure effects of time pressure as a stressor typically considered to be a challenge, rather than a hindrance stressor. We examined the within- and between-person effects of time pressure on work engagement...

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    Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries

    Van Dick, R., Lemoine, J.E., Steffens, N.K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfirat, S.A., Avanzi, L., Dumont, K., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., Giessner, S., Gonzáles, R., Kark, R., Lipponen, J., Markovits, Y., Monzani, L., Orosz, G., Pandey, D., Roland-Lévy, C., Schuh, S.C., Sekiguchi, T., Song, L.J., Stouten, J., Tatachari, S., Valdenegro, D., van Bunderen, L., Vörös, V., Wong, S.I., Zhang, X-a., & Haslam, S.A. (in press).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

    Recent theorizing applying the social identity approach to leadership proposes a four-dimensional model of identity leadership that centers on leaders’ management of a shared sense of “we” and “us”. The present research validates a scale assessing this model — the...

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    Age stereotypes in distributed software development: The impact of culture on age-related performance expectations

    Schlögel, U, Stegmann, S., Maedche, A. & Van Dick, R. (2018).
    Information and Software Technology

    Context: Due to demographic changes in most developed countries,distributed software development (DSD) teams might suffer new barriers above and beyond the well-known cultural and distance-based challenges. Remarkably, six out of the twelve most important barriers for DSD are related to...

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    Shared identity in organizational stress and change

    Van Dick, R., Ciampa, V., & Liang, S. (2018).
    Current Opinion in Psychology

    The social identity approach has been found very useful for the understanding of a range of phenomena within and across organizations. It has been applied in particular to analyze employees’ stress and well-being at work and their reactions to organizational...

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    Measuring Beliefs in the Instrumentality of Ethnic Diversity – Development and Validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS)

    Kauff, M., Stegmann, S., van Dick, R., Beierlein, C., & Christ, O. (2019).
    Group Processes and Intergroup Relations

    In general, diversity beliefs are beliefs about the instrumentality of diversity for the functioning of groups. Focusing on a societal level, recent social-psychological research addressed pro-diversity beliefs as individuals’ beliefs that diversity is beneficial for the progress of society. Despite...

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    How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification.

    Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F., Castelli, L., Marcionetti, J., Crescentini, A., Balducci, C., & Van Dick, R. (2018).
    Teaching and Teacher Education

    Recent theoretical and empirical research outlined the role of organizational identification in the stress process. We provide an empirical test of the social identity model of stress by testing a two-step mediation model of the identification-burnout link. We hypothesize that...

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    Die Kontakthypothese: Wie Kontakt Vorurteile reduzieren und die Integration Geflüchteter fördern kann

    Landmann, H., Aydin, A., , van Dick, R., & Klocke, U. (2017).
    In-Mind. The Inquisitive Mind Magazin

    Im Zuge der Flüchtlingsbewegungen taucht immer wieder die Frage auf, wie man eine Willkommenskultur in Deutschland aufbauen und erhalten kann. Die sozialpsychologische Forschung legt nahe, dass eine vergleichsweise einfache Maßnahme – Kontakt – die Einstellung gegenüber Geflüchteten positiv beeinflusst. Wir...

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    Fremder oder Freund? Unter welchen Umständen sich der Kontakt zwischen Deutschen und Geflüchteten positiv auf das Zusammenleben auswirken kann.

    Aydin, A., Landmann, H., Klocke, U. & van Dick, R. (2017).
    In-Mind. The Inquisitive Mind Magazin

    Die sozialpsychologische Forschung legt nahe, dass die Migration von mehr Menschen nach Deutschland mittel- und längerfristig dazu führen kann, die Vorurteile der deutschen Mehrheitsbevölkerung zu reduzieren. Die aktuelle Flüchtlingssituation in Deutschland kann daher eine Chance sein, bisher fremde Kulturen und...

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    Two sides of the same coin and two routes for improvement: Integrating resilience and the social identity approach to well-being and ill-health

    Van Dick, R., Ketturat, C., Häusser, J.A., & Mojzisch, A. (2017).
    Health Psychology Open

    We propose that resilience effectively helps people cope with stress – thus predominantly reducing the negative. On the other hand, we argue that individuals’ social identification has the potential to contribute to their well-being – thus fostering the positive. A...

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    One, Two, Many – Insensitivity to Group Size in Games with Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs

    Schumacher, H., Kesternich, I., Kosfeld, M., Winter, J. ( (forthcoming).
    Review of Economic Studies

    We experimentally analyze distributional preferences when a decider chooses the provision of a good that benefits herself or a receiver, and creates costs for a group of payers. The treatment variation is the number of payers. We observe that subjects provide...

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    Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chain

    Friebel, G, Heinz, M., Krueger, M. & Zubanov, N. (forthcoming).
    American Economic review.

    In a field experiment with a retail chain (1,300 employees, 193 shops), randomly selected sales teams received a bonus. The bonus increases both sales and number of customers dealt with by 3 percent. Each dollar spent on the bonus generates...

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    Are you really doing good things in your boss’s eyes? Interactive effects of subordinate innovative behavior and leader-member-exchange on supervisor ratings of job performance

    Schuh, S.C., Zhang, X-a., Ullrich, J., Van Dick, R. & Morgeson, F. (2018).
    Human Resource Management

    Organizations increasingly depend on employee efforts to innovate. However,the quality of relationships between leaders and employees may affect the recognition that employees receive for their innovative work behaviors. Drawing from a social cognition perspective, we tested a model in which...

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    Age stereotypes in agile software development – an empirical study on performance expectations

    Schlögel, U., Stegmann, S., Maedche, A. & Van Dick, R. (2018).
    Information Technology & People

    Purpose– Research on agile software development (ASD) has so far primarily focused on processes and tools. Recently, researchers have started to investigate the social dimensions of ASD. We contribute to this and examine the largely invisible psychological factor of age...

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    Think manager – think male, think follower – think female: Gender bias in implicit followership theories.

    Braun, S., Stegmann, S., Hernandez Bark, A., Junker, N.M., & Van Dick, R. (2017).
    Journal of Applied Social Psychology

    Because of the overlap between the social roles of women and followers we predicted that people would favor female followers over male followers.To support this hypothesis, we conducted two studies: An explicit test of the bias using a scenario design...

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    „You’ve got M@il“ Was die E-Mail-Flut für Unternehmen bedeutet und wie Mitarbeiter eine produktive E-Mail-Kultur schaffen

    Van Dick, R. & Gross, M. (2017).

    Anhand einer Pilotstudie und zwei Fallstudien in Unternehmen untersuchten die Autoren das Problem zu vieler E-Mails und was das für Gesundheit und Produktivität von Mitarbeitern bedeutet. Der Beitrag gibt Anregungen für Organisationen, wie eine Kulturveränderung zu einem konstruktiven, nicht überfordernden...

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    The impact of a lasting economic crisis on employee attitudes: A follow-up and extension.

    Markovits, Y., Boer, D., Gerbers, S., & Van Dick, R. (2017).
    Athens Journal of Business and Economics

    This paper presents a follow-up study of Markovits et al.’s (2014) comparison of large samples of Greek employees before and at the onset of the economic crisis. Now at the crisis’ peak, we again sampled data from 450 employees about...

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    The Effects of Financial and Recognition Incentives Across Work Contexts: The Role of Meaning

    Kosfeld, M., Neckermann, S., Yang, X. (2017).
    Economic Inquiry

    We manipulate workers’ perceived meaning of a job in a field experiment and interact meaning of work with both financial and recognition incentives. Results show that workers exert more effort when meaning is high. Money has a positive effect on performance...

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    Dying for Charisma: Human inspirational appeal increases post-mortem.

    Steffens, N.K., Peters, K., Haslam, S.A., & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    Leadership Quarterly .

    In the present research, we shed light on the nature and origins of charisma by examining changes in a person's perceived charisma that follow their death. We propose that death is an event that will strengthen the connection between the...

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    Beyond pleasure and pain: Observations on real-life facial expressions during extreme emotions

    Wenzler, S., Levine, S., Van Dick, R., Oertel-Knöchel, V., & Aviezer, H. (2016).

    According to psychological models as well as common intuition, intense positive and negative situations evoke highly distinct emotional expressions. Nevertheless, recent work has shown that when judging isolated faces, the affective valence of winning and losing professional tennis players is...

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    Reducing age stereotypes in software development: The effects of awareness- and cooperation-based diversity interventions

    Schlögel, U, Stegmann, S., Maedche, A. & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Journal of Systems and Software

    Negative age stereotypes about older employees are present across industries and they are especially strong in technology-based jobs. They can hinder cooperation and team processes, which are of utmost importance in software development. This paper proposes and compares two interventions...

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    Current prescriptions of men and women in differing occupational gender roles

    March, E., Van Dick, R., & Hernandez Bark, A. (2016).
    Journal of Gender Studies

    The gender roles of masculinity and femininity are considered not only to be descriptive of behaviour, but also to prescribe how men and women should behave. To assess the prescriptive nature of gender roles, previous research asked participants to assign...

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    The social identity approach to effective leadership: An overview and some ideas on cross-cultural generalizability

    Van Dick, R., & Kerschreiter, R. (2016).
    Frontiers in Business Research in China

    When employees identify with groups and organizations they work for this typically has positive implications for work-related attitudes and behaviors. The present paper provides a focused overview of the social identity approach to leadership and some ideas on its cross-cultural...

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    A meta-analytic review of social identification and health in organizational contexts

    Steffens, N.K., Haslam, S.A., Schuh, S.C., Jetten, J., & Van Dick, R. (2017).
    Personality and Social Psychology Review

    We provide a meta-analytical review examining two decades of work on the relationship between individuals’ social identifications and health in organizations (102 effect sizes, k=58, N=19,799). Results reveal a mean-weighted positive association between organizational identification and health (r=.21, T=.14). Analysis...

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    It takes two (or three) to tango: The interactive effect of authentic leadership and organizational identification on employee silence intentions.

    Monzani, L., Braun, S., & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung/ German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management

    Organizational silence is a state of affairs in which employees refrain from voicing problematic issues at work. It often results from the dilemma between considering the short term interests of the leader, who might perceive voicing problems as disloyal and...

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    Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy.

    Hernandez Bark, A., Escartin, J., Schuh, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Journal of Business Ethics

    Previous research has shown that female leaders lead slightly more effective than male leaders. However, women are still underrepresented in higher management. In this study, we seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of this paradox by proposing and testing...

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    Mixed feelings, mixed blessing? How ambivalence in organizational identification relates to employees’ regulatory focus and citizenship behaviors.

    Schuh, S. C., Van Quaquebeke, N., Göritz, A., Xin, K. R., De Cremer, D., & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Human Relations

    Recent conceptual work suggests that the sense of identity that employees develop vis-à-vis their organization goes beyond the traditional notion of organizational identification and can also involve conflicting impulses represented by ambivalent identification. In this study, we seek to advance...

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    The ideal and the counter-ideal follower –Advancing implicit followership theories

    Junker, N.M., Stegmann, S., Braun, S., & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Leadership and Organizational Development Journal

    Research on implicit followership theories – that is, individually held assumptions about how followers are and how they should be – is still in its infancy. The few existing approaches differ in what they define as the object of these...

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    Organizational Identification and “Currencies of Exchange”: Integrating Social Identity and Social Exchange Perspectives

    Tavares, S., Van Knippenberg, D., & Van Dick, R. (2016).
    Journal of Applied Social Psychology

    We integrate social exchange and social identity perspectives to propose and test the prediction that depending on their level of organizational identification, people may reciprocate the received organizational support using different “currencies of exchange”—reducing turnover intentions or, instead, engaging in...

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    Disaggregating within- and between-person effects of social identification on subjective and endocrinological stress reactions in a real-life stress situation.

    Ketturat, C., Frisch, J.U., Ullrich, J., Häusser, J.A., van Dick, R. & Mojzisch, A. (2016).
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

    Several experimental and cross-sectional studies have established the stress-buffering effect of social identification, yet few longitudinal studies have been conducted within this area of research. This study is the first to make use of a multilevel approach to disaggregate between-...

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    Getting everyone on board: The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leader-rated firm performance

    Zhang, X-a., Li, N., Ullrich, J., & Van Dick, R. (2015).
    Journal of Management

    Drawing on the principles of upper echelons theory and team leadership research and using 101 subsidiary top management teams (TMTs), our study revealed that subsidiary CEO transformational leadership that was focused evenly on every TMT member increased team effectiveness and...

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    Goodbye or identify: Detrimental effects of downsizing on identification and survivor performance

    Van Dick, R., Drzensky, F., & Heinz, M. (2016).
    Frontiers in Psychology.

    Research shows that after layoffs, employees often report decreased commitment and performance which has been coined the survivor syndrome. However, the mechanisms underlying this effect remain underexplored. The purpose of the paper is to show that reduced organizational identification can...

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    Sinnvolle Arbeit ist identitätsstiftend – Zur Bedeutung der sozialen Identifikation als Wirkmechanismus zwischen Bedeutsamkeit der Aufgabe und Arbeitseinstellungen

    Van Dick, R. & Stegmann, S. (2015).
    Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung

    Die arbeitspsychologische Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte belegt, dass sinnvolle Arbeit, im Sinne von subjektiv wahrgenommener Wichtigkeit oder Bedeutsamkeit der eigenen Arbeit, positive Effekte auf die Arbeitenden hat. Wir postulieren, dass die Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen einen wichtigen Wirkmechanismus darstellt, der...

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    The Hidden Costs of Downsizing

    Drzensky, F., Heinz, M. (2015).
    The Economic Journal.

    We analyse whether a principal's decision to lay off an agent affects the performance of the surviving agents in a laboratory experiment. We find that agents reduce their performance by 43% as a response to the lay-off decision. Heterogeneity in...

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    The role of outgroups in constructing a shared identity: a longitudinal study of a subsidiary merger in Mexico

    Lupina-Wegener, A., Schneider, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (2015).
    Management International Review

    Both scholars and practitioners agree that constructing a shared organizational identity is necessary for successful outcomes in mergers and acquisitions. Yet the process of constructing shared identity is not an easy path. We report findings of a longitudinal in-depth case...

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    Media slant against foreign owners: Downsizing

    Friebel, G. & Heinz, M. (2014).
    Journal of Public Economics. 120

    Using a unique data set from nationally distributed quality newspapers in Germany, we find evidence for both quantitative and qualitative media slant against foreign firms. A downsizing foreign firm receives almost twice as much attention as a domestic firm, and...

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    Emails from the boss – curse or blessing? Relations between communication channels, leader evaluation and employees’ attitudes

    Braun, S., Hernandez Bark, A., Kirchner, A., Stegmann, S., & Van Dick, R. (2019).
    International Journal of Business Communication

    The present research investigates if and how a more digitally-centered communication between supervisors and employees satisfies employees’ needs regarding the communication with their supervisors, and influences employees’ attitudes towards the supervisor and the job. In a cross-sectional online study, 261...

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    Why Does Organizational Identification Relate to Reduced Employee Burnout? The Mediating Influence of Social Support and Collective Efficacy

    Avanzi, L., Schuh, S.C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (2015).
    Work & Stress

    Although prior studies have consistently shown that organizational identification can reduce employees’ stress and burnout, little is known about the mediating processes that underlie this relationship. Against this backdrop and building on recent theoretical work on the social identity model...

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    Being ‘Of the Group’ and ‘For the Group’: How Followership is Shaped by Leaders’ Prototypicality and Group Identification

    Steffens, N.K., Schuh, S.C., Haslam, S.A., Perez, A., & Van Dick, R. (2015).
    European Journal of Social Psychology

    Previous research has focused on the importance of leaders being seen to be of the group (i.e., to be prototypical of a group) but less on the impact of leaders’ own degree of identification with the group. Also, little is...

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    Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia

    Kosfeld, M., & Rustagi, D. (2015).
    American Economic Review

    We conduct a social dilemma experiment in which real-world leaders can punish group members as a third party. Despite facing an identical environment, leaders are found to take remarkably different punishment approaches. The different leader types revealed experimentally explain the...

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    The synergistic effect of prototypicality and authenticity in the relation between leaders' gender and their organizational identification

    Monzani, L., Hernandez Bark, A.S., Van Dick, R., & Peiro, J.M. (in press).
    Journal of Business Ethics

    Role congruity theory affirms that female managers face more difficulties at work because of the incongruity between the female gender role and the leadership role. Furthermore, due to this incongruity is harder for female managers to perceive themselves as authentic...

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    Gesundheitsfalle Überidentifikation: Gut gemeint bedeutet nicht gut gemacht

    Van Dick, R. & Groß, M. (2014).
    Personal Quarterly

    Forschungsfrage: Wir haben untersucht, ob es ein „Zuviel“ an Identifikation gibt und sich Überidentifikation auf Arbeitssucht mit negativen Folgen für die Gesundheit auswirkt. Methodik: In zwei Studien in Italien haben wir Angestellte an Gerichten ( N = 195) bzw. Lehrkräfte...

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    Making support work: The interplay between social support and social identity

    Frisch, J.U., Häusser, J.A., Van Dick, R., & Mojzisch, A. (in press).
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

    Previous research has found mixed results regarding the stress buffering effects of social support. In an attempt to explain these findings, we build on the social identity approach. Specifically, we hypothesize that social support buffers stress reactions only if a...

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    Gender and leadership in Spain: A systematic review of some key aspects

    Hernandez Bark, A., Escartin, J., & van Dick, R. (2014).
    Sex Roles

    As Spain experienced rapid societal and gender equality changes after the end of the dictatorship in 1975, the development of gender equality in Spain has differed from other European countries and the United States. Therefore, the results of Spanish studies...

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    Who shall I trust? Trust as a mediator between identity salience and cooperative behavior

    Opitz, L., Kosfeld, M., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    Schmalenbachs Business Review

    This study aimed at exploring the role of trust as a mediating process in the relationship between group identity salience and cooperative behavior. Participants from two academic subjects (psychology and economics, respectively) had to make decisions in two cooperation games...

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    Ideal- and counter-ideal values as two distinct forces: Exploring a gap in organizational value research

    Van Quaquebeke, N., Graf, M.M., Kerschreiter, R., Schuh, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    International Journal of Management Reviews.

    Motives and values at work have long been key topics of business and management studies. In a focused review of the literature on the nature of human values, we identify a disconnect with the literature on human motivation despite the...

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    Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity

    Steffens, N.K., Haslam, S.A., Kerschreiter, R., Schuh, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    Zeitschrift für Personalforschung/ German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management

    Previous research has examined burnout and work engagement as a function of demands and resources at work. Yet we know little about the ways in which these are determined by people’s social experience as a member of their workgroup as...

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    Economic crisis and the employee: The effects of economic crisis on employee job satisfaction, commitment, and self-regulation

    Markovits, Y., Boer, D., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    European Management Journal.

    Greece has been suffering a severe crisis starting in about 2009. This paper examines the impact of the recent economic crisis in Greece on employee work-related attitudes via changes in regulatory focus. We collected data in a large and heterogeneous...

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    Staying or leaving: A combined social identity and social exchange approach to predicting employee turnover intentions

    Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F., Sarchielli, G., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2014).
    International Journal of Performance and Productivity Management.

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to combine social identity and social exchange theories into a model explaining turnover intentions. Design: Questionnaires measuring the constructs of organizational identification, perceived organizational support, emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions were completed by...

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    Pro-social missions and worker motivation: An experimental study

    Fehrler, S., & Kosfeld, M. (2014).
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

    Do employees work harder if their job has the right mission? In a laboratory labor market experiment, we test whether subjects provide higher effort if they can choose the mission of their job. We observe that subjects do not provide...

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    Can you trust the good guys? Trust within and between groups with different missions

    Fehrler, S., & Kosfeld, M. (2013).
    Economic Letters.

    Non-governmental organizations and other non-profit organizations attract workers who strongly identify themselves with their missions. We study whether these ‘‘good guys’’ are more trustworthy, and how such pronounced group identities affect trust and trustworthiness within the groups and towards out-groups....

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    Gender differences in leadership role occupancy: The mediating role of power motivation

    Schuh, S.C., Hernandez Bark, A., van Quaquebeke, N., Hossiep, R., Frieg, P., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    Journal of Business Ethics.

    Although the proportion of women in leadership positions has grown over the past decades, women are still underrepresented in leadership roles, which poses an ethical challenge to society at large but business in particular. Accordingly, a growing body of research...

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    Loafing in the digital age: The role of computer mediated communication in the relation between perceived loafing and group affective outcomes

    Monzani, L., Ripoll, P., Peiro, J.M., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    Computers in Human Behavior.

    Teamwork has become a central practice for the organization of the 21th century. While effective teams can create synergies which boost innovation and performance, ineffective teams become a great burden for organizations. Empirical research has consistently shown that some psycho-social...

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    Leaders enhance team members’ health and well-being by crafting social identity

    Steffens, N.K., Haslam, S.A., Kerschreiter, R., Schuh, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (in press).
    Zeitschrift für Personalforschung.

    Previous research has examined burnout and work engagement as a function of demands and resources at work. Yet we know little about the ways in which these are determined by people’s social experience as a member of their workgroup as...

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    More than music! A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis in German-Polish music encounters

    Kuchenbrandt, D., Van Dick, R., Koschate, M., & Bornewasser, M. (in press).
    International Journal of Intercultural Relations

    This research examines music encounters as a hitherto unexplored type of intergroup contact intervention. We tested the short- and mid-term effects of German–Polish music encounters that eithertook place in Germany or in Poland, respectively, on German’s attitudes towards Poles. Ninety-nine...

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    Focusing on the bright tomorrow? The role of projected continuity for post-merger identification in dominant and subordinate merging organizations

    Lupina-Wegener, A., Drzensky, F., Ullrich, J., & Van Dick, R. (2014).
    British Journal of Social Psychology

    Past research provides evidence that organizational identification is a key factor predicting employees’ behaviors during mergers and acquisitions. In particular, recent studies demonstrate that members of the subordinate merger partner, in contrast to the dominant group, often find it difficult...

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    Corporate social responsibility and organizational commitment: The moderating role of individuals’ attitudes to CSR

    Crawshaw, J.R., Van Dick, R., & Boodhoo, Y. (in press).
    Political Psychology.

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes ever more important for organizations. In times of corporate scandals and more governmental regulation on the one hand and a foreseeable shortage of highly qualified employees on the other, CSR is both a means to...

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    "We" are not stressed: Social identity in groups buffers neuroendocrine stress reactions

    Häusser, J.A., Kattenstroth, M., Van Dick, R. & Mojzisch, A. (in press).
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

    The presence of others in threatening situations can be a mixed blessing since it is not always perceived as supportive but can also impair well-being. Building on social identity theory, we tested the idea that the presence of others only...

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    Management Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in RussiaManagement Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in Russia

    Schweiger, H., & Friebel, G. (2013).
    Open Economies Review

    We investigate whether management quality explains firm performance in Russia. We find that it explains relatively little in terms of firm performance, but it does explain some of the differences between firms in Russia’s Far East and the rest of...

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    Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa

    Friebel, G., Gallego, J., & Mendola, M. (2013).
    Journal of Population Economics

    We investigate how emigration flows from a developing region are affected by xenophobic violence at destination. Our empirical analysis is based on a unique survey among more than 1000 households collected in Mozambique in summe 2008, a few months after...

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    Quantifying the effects of a resocialization project for prisoners - The resocialization project "MS Carmen"

    Wolff, M., Rohrmann, S. & van Dick, R. (2013).
    British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences

    Qualitative studies have shown positive effects of theater projects conducted as measures of resocialization in the penal system on participants. The present evaluation study presents a quantitative evaluation of a musical theater project with respect to changes in participants’ core...

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    Authenticity, employee silence, prohibitive voice, and the moderating role of organizational identification

    Knoll, M., & Van Dick, R. (2013).
    Journal of Positive Psychology

    Authenticity is an important concept in positive psychology and has been shown to be related to well-being, health, and leadership effectiveness. The present paper introduces employee authenticity as a predictor of relevant workplace behaviors, namely, employee silence and prohibitive voice....

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    Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying

    Escartin, J., Ullrich, J., Zapf, D., Schlüter, E., & Van Dick, R. (2013).
    European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

    A study of 494 employees nested in workgroups from 19 diferent organizations revealed group identification to be an important factor influencing work-related bullying at both the individual and the group level. Results show that the more employees identified with their...

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    Within-person Variation in Affective Commitment to Teams: Where It Comes From and Why It Matters

    Becker, T. F., Ullrich, J. & Van Dick, R. (2013).
    Human Resource Management Review

    Teamwork is crucial to organizational success and commitment to teams is an important predictor of team-related behaviors. However, theorists and researchers have typically assumed that commitment levels are generally stable within-persons, increasing or decreasing as a result of substantial organizational...

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    Is an outgroup member in need a friend indeed? Personal and task-oriented contact as predictors of intergroup prosocial behavior

    Koschate, M.J., Oethinger, S., Kuchenbrandt, D., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    European Journal of Social Psychology

    Intergroup contact, particularly close personal contact, has been shown to improve intergroup relations, mainly by reducing negative attitudes and emotions toward outgroups. We argue that contact can also increase intergroup prosocial behavior. More specifically, we predict that different forms of...

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    For the good or the bad? Interactive effects of transformational leadership with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors

    Schuh, S.C., Zhang, X.-a., Tian, P. (2012).
    Journal of Business Ethics.

    Although the ethical aspects of transformational leadership have attracted considerable attention, very little is known about followers' reactions to the moral and immoral conduct of transformational leaders. Against this background, the current study examined whether and how transformational leadership interacts...

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    Towards understanding the role of organizational identification in service settings: A multilevel, multisource study.

    Schuh, S.C., Egold, N.W., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology

    Previous research has shown that organizational identification (OI) of leaders is positively related to employee OI and, in turn, linked to positive behaviours of employees towards the organization. In the present study, we argue that leader OI does not only...

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    Club-in-the-club: Reform under unanimity

    Berglöf, E., Burkart, M., Friebel, G., & Paltseva, E. (2012).
    Journal of Comparative Economics

    In many organizations, decisions are taken by unanimity giving each member veto power. We analyze a model of an organization in which members with heterogenous productivity privately contribute to a common good. Under unanimity, the least efficient member imposes her...

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    The downside of organizational identification: Relationships between identification, workaholism and well-being

    Avanzi, L., van Dick, R., Fraccaroli, F., & Sarchielli, G. (2012).
    Work & Stress

    Employee organizational identification has been proposed and found to be positively related to employee health and well-being. The empirical evidence, however, is not unequivocal, and some authors have suggested possible dark sides of identification. This potential negative effect of over-identification...

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    Do I hear the whistle? A first attempt to measure four forms of employee silence and their correlates.

    Knoll, M., & Van Dick, R. (2013).
    Journal of Business Ethics

    Silence in organizations refers to a state in which employees refrain from calling attention to issues at work such as illegal or immoral practices or developments that violate personal, moral or legal standards. While Morrison and Milliken (2000) discussed how...

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    Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behavior and implications for follower OCB.

    Schuh, S.C., Zhang, X.-A., Egold, N.W., Graf, M.M., Pandey, D., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

    The transfer model of organizational identification (OI) posits a trickle-down process of OI from leaders to followers. This, in turn, should foster employees’ willingness to engage in extra-role behaviour. Prior research has provided consistent support for the model in field...

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    Getting Tuned in to Those Who Are Different: The Role of Empathy as Mediator between Diversity and Performance

    Stegmann, S., Roberge, M.-E., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft

    We present a theoretical model on the processes that mediate and moderate the diversity-performance relationship. Past research on this topic – for example the categorization elaboration model (van Knippenberg et al., 2004) – has often focused on information elaboration as...

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    I feel bad - We feel good!? Emotions as a driver for personal and organizational identity and organizational identification as a resource for serving unfriendly customers.

    Wegge, J., Schuh, S.C., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    Stress and Health

    The social identity approach is used to demonstrate how personal and organizational identity is affected by emotions at work and that organizational identification can function as a valuable resource in coping with stressors. We analysed data from an experiment with...

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    It's All About Connections: Evidence on Network Formation

    Falk, A. & Kosfeld, M. (2012).
    Review of Network Economics

    We present an economic experiment on network formation, in which subjects can decide to form links to one another. Direct links are costly but being connected is valuable. The game-theoretic basis for our experiment is the model of Bala and...

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    Whistle-Blowing and Incentives in Firms

    Friebel, G., & Guriev, S. (2012).
    Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

    Whistle-blowing is an important mechanism of corporate governance. We show that whistle-blowing has negative effects on productive efficiency by undermining the incentives within a corporate hierarchy. In our model, a top manager intends to overreport earnings; a division manager may...

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    Opportunity, fair process and relationship value: Career development as a driver of proactive behavior

    Crawshaw, J.R., Van Dick, R., & Brodbeck, F.C. (2012).
    Human Resource Management Journal

    In line with recent findings from organisational justice theory, we hypothesised that employee proactive behaviour and careerist orientation is predicted by the interplay of perceived favourability of career development opportunities, the perceived fairness of the procedures used to decide them,...

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    How Do Transformational Leaders Foster Positive Employee Outcomes? A Self-Determination Based Analysis of Employees’ Needs as Mediating Links

    Kovjanic, S.*, Schuh, S.C.*, Jonas, K., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    Journal of Organizational Behavior.

    Although followers’ needs are a central aspect of transformational leadership theory, little is known about their role as mediating mechanisms for this leadership style. The present research thus seeks to integrate and extend theorizing on transformational leadership and self-determination. In...

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    Do women behave more reciprocally than men? Gender differences in real effort dictator games

    Heinz, M., Juranek, S., Rau, H. A., (2012).
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

    We analyze dictator allocation decisions in an experiment where the recipients have to earn the pot to be divided with a real-effort task. As the recipients move before the dictators, their effort decisions resemble the first move in a trust...

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    The Relationship Between Leaders’ Group-Oriented Values and Follower Identification with and Endorsement of Leaders: The Moderating Role of Leaders’ Group Membership

    Graf*, M.M., Schuh*, S.C., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Van Dick, R. (2012).
    Journal of Business Ethics

    In this article, we hypothesize that leaders who display group-oriented values (i.e., values that focus on the welfare of the group rather than on the self-interest of the leader) will be evaluated more positively by their followers than leaders who...

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    Do women prefer longer conversations? Evidence of communication preferences from telephone use

    Friebel G., Seabright P. (2011).
    Journal of Economic Psychology.


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    Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control

    Friebel, G. & Schnedler, W. (2011).
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

    We investigate the costs and benefits of managerial interventions with a team in which workers care to different degrees about output. We show that if there are complementarities in production and if the team manager has some information about team...

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    Getting More Work for Nothing? Symbolic Awards and Worker Performance.

    Kosfeld, M. & Neckermann, S. (2011).
    American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

    We study the impact of status and social recognition on worker performance in a field experiment. In collaboration with an international non-governmental organization we hired students to work on a database project. Students in the award treatment were offered a...

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    Competition, cooperation, and corporate culture

    Kosfeld, M., & von Siemens, F. A. (2011).
    The RAND Journal of Economics

    Cooperation between workers can be of substantial value to a firm, yet its level often varies substantially between firms. We show that these differences can unfold in a competitive labor market if workers have heterogeneous social preferences and preferences are...

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    Two lighthouses to navigate: Effects of ideal and counter-ideal values on follower identification and satisfaction

    Van Quaquebeke, N., Kerschreiter, R., Buxton, A.E., & Van Dick, R. (2010).
    Journal of Business Ethics

    Ideals (or ideal values) help people to navigate in social life. They indicate at a very fundamental level what people are concerned about, what they strive for, and what they want to be affiliated with. Transferring this to a leader–follower...

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    Conditional Cooperation and Costly Monitoring Explain Success in Forest Commons Management

    Rustagi, D., Engel, S., & Kosfeld, M. (2010).

    Recent evidence suggests that prosocial behaviors like conditional cooperation and costly norm enforcement can stabilize largescale cooperation for commons management. However, field evidence on the extent to which variation in these behaviors among actual commons users accounts for natural commons...

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    Resource Allocation and Organizational Form

    Friebel, G. & Raith, M. (2010).
    American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

    We develop a theory of firm scope based on the benefits and costs of resource allocation within firms. Integrating two firms into one makes it possible to allocate by authority scarce resources that are costly to trade. But to do...

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    The role of job-related spatial mobility in constructing gender relations in society and in intimate relationships in Germany and Poland.

    Hofmeister, H., Hünefeld, A. L. und Proch, C. (2010).
    Zeitschrift für Familienforschung

    Der Artikel untersucht die Aufteilung von Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung auf Basis von Selbsteinschätzungen berufsbedingter räumlicher mobiler und nicht mobiler Befragter in Deutschland und Polen. Anhand von Daten des Projektes Job Mobility and Family Lives (2007) betrachten wir Personen, die mit...

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    Railroad (De)Regulation - A European Efficiency Comparison

    Friebel, G., Ivaldi, M., & Vibes, C. (2010).

    We estimate the effects of reforms on railroad efficiency in Europe by using a new panel data covers most EU countries over a period of more than 20 years. A production frontier model finds efficiency increases when reforms such as...

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    Fighting for Talent: Risk-shifting, Corporate Volatility, and Organizational Change

    Friebel, G. & Giannetti, M. (2009).
    Economic Journal

    We show that access to finance may affect firms through the labour market. Talented workers want to realise their ideas but also seek insurance against income risk. Large firms default less often than small firms but they investigate more thoroughly...

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    A social identity perspective on leadership and employee creativity.

    Hirst, G., Van Dick, R., & Van Knippenberg, D. (2009).
    Journal of Organizational Behavior

    This research uses a social identity analysis to predict employee creativity. We hypothesized that team identification leads to greater employee creative performance, mediated by the individual's creative effort. We hypothesized that leader inspirational motivation as well as leader team prototypicality...

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    Institution Formation in Public Goods Games.

    Kosfeld, M., Okada, A., & Riedl, A. (2009).
    American Economic Review

    Sanctioning institutions are of utmost importance for overcoming free-riding tendencies and enforcing outcomes that maximize group welfare in social dilemma situations. We investigate, theoretically and experimentally, the endogenous formation of institutions in public goods provision. Our theoretical analysis shows that...

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    Worker Self-Selection and the Profits from Cooperation.

    Kosfeld, M. & von Siemens, F. (2009).
    Journal of the European Economic Association

    We investigate a competitive labor market with team production. Workers differ in their motivation to exert team effort, and types are private information. We show that there can exist a separating equilibrium in which workers self-select into different firms and...

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    The role of leaders in internal marketing.

    Wieseke, J., Ahearne, M., Lam, S.K., & Van Dick, R. (2009).
    Journal of Marketing

    There is little empirical research on internal marketing despite its intuitive appeal and anecdotal accounts of its benefits. Adopting a social identity theory perspective, the authors propose that internal marketing is fundamentally a process in which leaders instill into followers...

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    Substitutes for procedural fairness: Prototypical leaders are endorsed whether they are fair or not.

    Ullrich, J., Christ, O., & Van Dick, R. (2009).
    Journal of Applied Psychology

    This article extends research on leader procedural fairness as well as the social identity model of leadership effectiveness (SIMOL) by demonstrating that leader prototypicality can act as a substitute for procedural fairness. Although procedural fairness in general and voice in...

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    Group diversity and group identification: The moderating role of diversity beliefs.

    Van Dick, R., Van Knippenberg, D., Hägele, S., Guillaume, Y.R.F., & Brodbeck, F. (2008).
    Human Relations

    Research on diversity in teams and organizations has revealed ambiguous results regarding the effects of group composition on workgroup performance. The categorization—elaboration model (van Knippenberg et al., 2004) accounts for this variety and proposes two different underlying processes. On the...

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    Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union.

    Berglof. E., Burkart, M., Friebel, G., & Paltseva, E. (2008).
    American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)

    The European Union is the product of a unique institutional process: individual states, often with a history of belligerent relationships, have gradually given up ever more sovereignty to produce an increasing number of common goods, including the Single Market, a...

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    Interactive effects of work group and organizational identitification on job satisfaction and extra-role behavior.

    Van Dick, R., Van Knippenberg, D., Kerschreiter, R., Hertel, G., & Wieseke, J. (2008).
    Journal of Vocational Behavior

    Past research has focused on the differential relationships of organizational and work group identification with attitudes and behavior. However, no systematic effort has been undertaken yet to explore interactive effects between these foci of identification. We predicted that in cases...

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    The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Watch and Norm Enforcement.

    Kosfeld, M. & Huck, S. (2007).
    Economic Journal

    We propose a dynamic model of neighbourhood watch schemes. While the state chooses punishment levels, apprehension of criminals depends on the watchfulness of citizens. We show that, contrary to standard intuition, crime levels can increase in punishments. This is because...

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    Relationships between leader and follower organizational identification and implications for follower attitudes and behaviour

    Van Dick, R., Hirst, G., Grojean, M.W., & Wieseke, J. (2007).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

    We present a multi-sample multi-level approach that examines the link between leader and follower organizational identification, and follower attitudes. Study 1 comprises 367 school teachers and 60 head teachers in Germany. The results illustrate a significant relationship between head teacher...

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    The Hidden Cost of Control

    Kosfeld, M. & Falk, A. (2006).
    American Economic Review

    We analyze the consequences of control on motivation in an experimental principalagent game, where the principal can control the agent by implementing a minimum performance requirement before the agent chooses a productive activity. Our results show that control entails hidden...

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    Late 20th century persistence and decline of the female homemaker in Germany and the United States

    Grunow, D., Hofmeister, H. und Buchholz, S. (2006).
    International Sociology

    The article compares changes in West German and American women's mid-career job exits and re-entries and introduces an innovative event-history model to compare mobility across three decades using 1940s and 1950s birth cohorts from the German Life History Study and...

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    Boundary spanners’ identification, intergroup contact and effective intergroup relations

    Richter, A., West, M.A., Van Dick, R., & Dawson, J.F. (2006).
    Academy of Management Journal

    We examined the relationship between group boundary spanners' work group identification and effective (i. E. , harmonious and productive) intergroup relations in 53 work groups in five health care organizations. The data suggest this relationship was moderated by boundary spanners'...

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    Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-Financed Migration

    Friebel, G. & Guriev, S. (2006).
    Journal of the European Economic Association

    We introduce financial constraints in a theoretical analysis of illegal immigration. Intermediaries finance the migration costs of wealth-constrained migrants, who enter temporary servitude contracts to pay back the debt. These debt/labor contracts are more easily enforceable in the illegal than...

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    Attaching Workers Through In-kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia"

    Friebel, G. & Guriev, S. (2005).
    The World Bank Economic Review

    External shocks may cause a decline in the productivity of fixed capital in certain regions of an economy. Exogenous obstacles to migration make it hard for workers in those regions to reallocate to more prosperous regions. In addition, firms may...

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    Geographic Mobility of Couples in the United States: Relocation and Commuting Trends

    Hofmeister, H. (2005).
    Zeitschrift für Familienforschung

    I propose that the rising number of dual-earner couples in the United States impacts the trend toward declining residential mobility and rising commute times. I describe these mobility trends in the United States, first relocation trends and then daily commuting...

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    It's not only clients: Studying emotion work with clients and co-workers with an event-sampling approach

    Tschan, F., Rochat, S., & Zapf, D. (2005).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

    A group of 78 young employees in service and non-service professions reported 848 task related interactions at work over 1 week using a variant of the Rochester Interaction Record which measured emotion work requirements, emotional dissonance, and deviance. Multi-level analyses...

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    Neuroeconomic Foundations of Trust and Social Preferences

    Fehr, E., Fischbacher, U., & Kosfeld, M. (2005).
    American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings)


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    Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans

    Kosfeld, M., Heinrichs, M., Zak, P. J., Fischbacher, U., and Fehr, E. (2005).

    Trust pervades human societies. Trust is indispensable in friendship, love, families and organizations, and plays a key role in economic exchange and politics. In the absence of trust among trading partners, market transactions break down. In the absence of trust...

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    A Positive Theory of "Give-away" Privatization"

    Debande, O. & Friebel, G. (2004).
    International Journal of Industrial Organization

    We make a first step towards a positive theory of privatization, in a framework similar to the one of Shleifer and Vishny’s “Politicians and Firms” (QJE, 1994). In our model, a government may want to privatize because privatization can provide...

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    Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication

    Friebel, G. & Raith, M. (2004).
    The Rand Journal of Economics

    If managers and their subordinates have the same basic qualifications, organizations can benefit from replacing unproductive superiors with more productive subordinates. This threat may induce superiors to deliberately recruit unproductive subordinates, or abuse their personnel authority in other ways, to...

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    Role of perceived importance in intergroup contact

    Van Dick, R., Wagner, U., Pettigrew, T.F., Christ, O., Wolf, C., Petzel, T., Smith Castro, V., & Jackson, J.S. (2004).
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

    Furthering Allport's (1954) contentions for optimal contact, the authors introduce a new construct: the perceived importance of contact. They propose that perceived importance is the best proximal predictor of contact's reduction of prejudice. If individuals have opportunities for contact at...

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    Customer-related social stressors and burnout

    Dormann, C., & Zapf, D. (2004).
    Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

    Assesses the various forms of customer-related social stressors in different service jobs. Causes of burnout; Aspects of service work; Demonstration of the casual effects of social stressors on strains in longitudinal analysis.

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    Social Stressors at Work, Irritation, and Depressive Symptoms: Accounting for Unmeasured Third Variables in a Multi-Wave Study

    Dormann, C., & Zapf, D. (2002).
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

    This article investigates the relationship between social stressors, comprising conflicts with co-workers and supervisors and social animosities at work, irritation and depressive symptoms. It is argued that only a few mediation hypotheses have been investigated in organizational stress research. In...

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    Why negative affectivity should not be controlled in job stress research: Don't throw out the baby with the bath water

    Spector, P. E., Zapf, D., Chen, P. Y., & Frese, M. (2000).
    Journal of Organizational Behavior

    In 1987 Watson, Pennebaker, and Folger wrote an influential paper in which they noted the potential importance of negative affectivity (NA) in job stress research, going so far as to suggest the provocative hypothesis that NA biased self-reports of most...

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    Social Support, Social Stressors at Work and Depression: Testing for Moderating Effects with Structural Equations in a 3-wave Longitudinal Study

    Dormann, C., & Zapf, D. (1999).
    Journal of Applied Psychology

    This study investigated the moderating effects of social support by supervisors and colleagues relative to social stressors at work and depressive symptoms using a structural equations approach in a 9-wave longitudinal study over 1 year. The analyses were based on...

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