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    News & Events-Archiv 2018

    Im Rahmen des Hot Topics „The Social Cure“ auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, der vom 15. bis 20. September 2018 in Frankfurt am Main stattfindet, beschäftigen sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler mit der Frage, warum soziale Gruppen gut für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden sind. Der Sozialpsychologe Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick erklärt in einem Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk, warum Gruppen uns gut tun können. Den Beitrag können Sie hier nachlesen oder hier hören.  

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    Sozialpsychologische Studie belegt: Das Aufwachsen in einer sozialen Klasse ist prägend für das spätere Auftreten, noch mehr aber die Kommunikationssituation. Ein Beitrag von Dr. Anna Lisa Aydin in den Pressemitteilungen, hier abrufbar.

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    Rolf van Dick was elected as Fellow of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). According to the IAAP's Constitution, "a Fellow shall be a distinguished psychologist who has made substantial contributions to applied psychology". We congratulate Rolf van Dick on this achievement!  

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    Nach welchen Kriterien die Anzahl der Mitglieder eines Teams ausgewählt werden sollten und welche anderen Punkte bei der Teambildung berücksichtigt werden sollten, erläutert Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick auf Xing. Den Artikel finden Sie hier.

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    On January 24 2018, we had the great honor of welcoming Prof. Steven Vallas from the Northeastern University, to the Frankfurt Goethe University for his speech on “Precarious Work – Why Has it Risen? What Does it Mean? And What are Some Alternatives?” This event was organized by the Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations and it was the second in the new annual Leadership Lectures series. In his lecture, the American sociologist Steven Vallas talked about the precarization trend and tried to answer a number of questions: How can we explain these trends? What are their consequences, not only for individual workers but also for the societies in which we live? And how can the gnawing uncertainty that now shapes so much of everyday life best be addressed? Steven Vallas is Professor of Sociology at Northeastern University in Boston,  and currently International Francqui Chair, hosted by the University of Leuven (Belgium). He has studied a host of issues centering on the shifting nature of work and employment during the post-1975 period. Among these issues are the complex relation between new technologies and business organizations; tensions within team-based systems of workplace authority; racial and ethnic boundaries among employees; and the shifting contours of “knowledge work” in science-intensive fields. Prof. Vallas partook in the recent workshop at the Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations on January 26 2018, while meeting with PhD students and professors from our departments during his stay. You can find the slide from the lecture here and the slides from the workshop here. IMG_1425 IMG_1420Foto Workshop Foto Vortrag

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