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    Visit and talk from Prof. Bruce Avolio

    Prof. Dr. Bruce Avolio, regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of leadership, has visited the Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO) in February 2020. He is one of the most cited researchers in industrial and organizational psychology. He is best known for his work on transformational leadership, but […]

    “For a fact-based worldview” – Visit and talk from Mikael Arevius, affiliate of the Gapminder foundation

    Part of the lecture series titled “Ist die Welt schlecht? Is the world bad?” The lecture series titled “Ist die Welt schlecht?” continued with the second seminar carried out by the speaker Mikael Arevius. These lectures, organized by Prof. Rolf van Dick and funded by the association of Goethe University’s friends and supporters and the […]

    About CLBO

    The Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO) is a practice-oriented research institute of the Goethe-University Frankfurt. Researchers from economy, psychology and sociology are conducting research, lectures and consulting on topics from human resource management in an interdisciplinary way.

    “The Social Leap” – Visit and Talk from Prof. William von Hippel

    Start of the lecture series “Ist die Welt schlecht? Is the world bad?”   „Is the world bad?“ is the main question within the lecture series organized by Prof. Rolf van Dick with the contribution of friends and supporters of Goethe University and funded by the Grunelius Foundation. When we watch the news, read the […]

    Vortragsreihe „Ist die Welt schlecht?“

    Katastrophen, Krisen, Unfälle und Terrorismus – schlägt man die Zeitung auf, schaut Nachrichten oder surft im Internet und in den „sozialen Medien”, könnte man den Eindruck bekommen, dass wir heute in einer schlechten Welt leben und dass alles immer schlimmer wird. Über negative Ereignisse zu berichten ist eine wichtige Aufgabe der Medien. Aber ist die […]

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