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    Fields of competence

    We have extensive experience in our fields of competence. We use this experience to translate scientific findings into practical solutions.


    Effective Leadership

    Leaders are essential factors for an organization’s success. Leader’s influence on their followers’ motivation and performance is well-proven. Furthermore, being dissatisfied with one’s leader is one of the major reasons for leaving an organization. Leaders also have an important influence...

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    Motivation and Incentives

    The employees’ motivation strongly influences their performance and can be one of the key factors for organizational success. But how can organizations use incentives in a specific and effective way? How much can intrinsic incentives and leaders’ behavior increase the...

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    Managing customer relations

    An effective management of customer relations is essential for a long-lasting business relationship. Especially customer satisfaction as well as customer loyalty plays an important role here. Many of the activities in managing customer relations aim at optimizing these two important...

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    Health in organizations

    Throughout the past few years, health has become increasingly important within organizations for several reasons. First, absence from work costs the economy billions and secondly, every employer is expected to take care of their employees’ health, due to laws on...

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    Diversity in Organizations

    Central trends in society have led to increases in diversity in the working environment. Measures for equalization, the integration of foreign workers and managers and the effects of demographic change lead to an increasing heterogeneity of work groups. This heterogeneity...

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    Talent and Career Management

    Organizations on the labor market compete for the most talented employees and competition is increasing. But how do organizations manage to contract the most talented employees and keep them? How well-informed are organizations about their employees’ talents? Talented employees usually...

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    Groups and Teams

    Teamwork can be very important for an organization but performance within and between teams can vary a lot. Reasons for this may be caused by the behaviors of single team members or the amount of cooperation within a team. But...

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    Performance measurement and evaluation

    Tools for measuring and evaluating performance can be found in almost every large organization. However,performance evaluation is time-consuming and expensive. So, why are performance evaluation systems that important to organizations? How useful are they and who should play a role...

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    Change Management

    Change in organizations is often accompanied by resistance from the employees. This can significantly impair the success of a transformational project, for example most mergers fail to reach their ambitious goals. We have accompanied many mergers conducting research on this...

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