Managing customer relations
An effective management of customer relations is essential for a long-lasting business relationship. Especially customer satisfaction as well as customer loyalty plays an important role here. Many of the activities in managing customer relations aim at optimizing these two important dimensions. Conducting these activities in a systematic and goal-oriented way can have a significant influence on your organization’s success. An essential parameter for this is an organization’s customer orientation, which contains the employees’ customer-oriented behavior. This behavior is only permanently possible if customer orientation forms part of the organizational culture. Many studies show that customer orientation influences customer satisfaction. Which activities are used in different industries/fields to increase customer orientation and in turn, customer satisfaction?
- Dormann, C. & Zapf, D. (2007). Kundenorientierung und Kundenzufriedenheit (Customer orientation and customer satisfaction). In D. Frey & L. von Rosenstiel (Hrsg.) Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich D, Serie III, Band 5, Marktpsychologie (S. 751-835). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Egold, N. W., van Dick, R., & Zapf, D. (2009). Personale und organisationale Prädiktoren von Kundenorientierung und Kundenzufriedenheit: Eine Untersuchung im therapeutischen Dienstleistungsbereich. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 8, 180-190.