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    Alle machen es, es gilt als besonders kreativ - doch am Ende kommt nicht wirklich mehr raus: Brainstorming. Dass diese Technik die Kreativität eigentlich gar nicht befeuert, sondern eher das Gegenteil bewirkt, ist belegt - hat bisher aber wenig Beachtung gefunden. Obwohl die Erkenntnis schon ein halbes Jahrhundert alt ist. Rolf van Dick im Interview mit Eva-Maria Meyer. Hier finden Sie den Link zum Radiointerview.

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    Beyond the glass ceiling: The glass cliff and the precariousness of women's leadership positions Presentation and discussion at Goethe University Frankfurt Guest speaker: Professor Michelle Ryan, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Date: October 9th, 2013, 18.00h – 20.00h Location: Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Grüneburgplatz 1, Hörsaalzentrum, Raum HZ 10 Are leadership positions different for men and women? What happens if women (and other minority groups) take on leadership roles? Research into a phenomenon named “The Glass Cliff” suggests that circumstances in which women are appointed to leadership positions are different from those of men. It particularly suggests that women tend to be appointed to leadership positions that are associated with an increased risk of failure and criticism. We have invited Professor Michelle Ryan as one of the leading researchers in this field who coined the term “The Glass Cliff” as an extension of the metaphor “The Glass Ceiling”. She is Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at the University of Exeter and recently held a five-year Academic Fellowship funded by the UK Research Council. Beside “The Glass Cliff“ research she is involved in a number of projects including the effectiveness of role models; women‘s ambition in the workplace; the gender-wage gap; leadership succession. To promote a research based discussion, Professor Michelle Ryan will provide an up-to-date overview of the available evidence. Program:

    18.00 – 18.15 Welcome
    18.15 – 18.30 Event Opening Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick
    18.30 – 19.15 Presentation by Professor Michelle Ryan
    19.15 – 20.00 Discussion with the audience
    20.00 Get-together: Stand-up reception providing an opportunity for further discussion
    Target audience: The presentation is targeted at an audience of practitioners and scientists in the area of human resource management and related fields. The event is supported by the Centre for Leadership and Behaviour in Organizations and conducted in cooperation with the Small Group Meeting on Gender Equality in Organizations (funded by the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology and the German Research Fund). It is free of charge To register for the event please download the following PDF-file.

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