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    Die Fußgängerzonen der Innenstädte sind wieder gefüllt, Restaurantbesuche wieder erlaubt, Kontaktbegrenzungen reduziert. Werden wir durch die Lockerungen zu leichtsinnig? "Ja, einige. Und das ist gefährlich", sagt Sozialpsychologe Rolf van Dick und erklärt die Gründe für die Verhaltensänderungen. Dabei spielen auch die Autoritäten eine Rolle. Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier.

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    Körperlicher Kontakt dürfe auch in Zeiten von Corona nicht zu kurz kommen, rät der Frankfurter Professor für Sozialpsychologie Rolf van Dick in einem Gastbeitrag in der Frankfurter Rundschau. Den Artikel finden Sie hier.

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    In einem Interview im Spiegel erklärt Prof. Rolf van Dick, warum viele die Corona-Regeln nicht mehr richtig ernst nehmen und welche Folgen das für eine zweite Welle haben könnte. Das Interview finden Sie hier.

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    In der ersten Folge des "Forscher fragen"-Spezials der Körber-Stiftung wird der Sozialpsychologe Rolf van Dick von Johannes Büchs interviewt. Der Vizepräsident der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main berichtet aus einer aktuellen Studie zum Umgang mit der Krise. Von Homeoffice und Hamsterkäufen, Hochrisikogruppen und Handlungskompetenz: Van Dick erläutert, was die Krise mit uns als "sozialen Tieren" macht. Wie prägen "social distancing" und "cocooning" plötzlich unsere Wirklichkeit? Warum wächst in der Krise nicht nur das Vertrauen in das gute Argument, sondern auch in Autokraten? Und welche Führungskultur brauchen wir jetzt? Hier finden Sie das Video.

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    Prof. Dr. Bruce Avolio, regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of leadership, has visited the Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO) in February 2020. He is one of the most cited researchers in industrial and organizational psychology. He is best known for his work on transformational leadership, but has also done research on other topics. During his stay, he held a lecture for scientists and practitioners titled “Understanding the First Principle for Successful Organizational Transformation: Change Occurs One Person at a Time”. In the lecture, he explained principles of organizational change and applied them to actual examples of real life organizations. This talk was well visited by many interested people who asked questions and discussed various topics with him. Bruce Avolio also took part in a CLBO Small Group Meeting in which he gave another talk on “Authentic Leadership, Employee Voice and Organizational Sustainability”. In addition, he had many personal meetings with PhD students, research associates and professors to discuss and give feedback on current research projects.  

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    Understanding the First Principle for

    Successful Organizational Transformation:

    Change Occurs One Person at a Time

    Prof. Bruce J. Avolio


    The CLBO Leadership Lectures

    Tuesday, 18th February 2020,

    at Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Lecture Hall (Hörsaal) HZ 10, 18.30h – 20.00h,

    followed by a reception


    To the degree the horizon for when the leaders of an organization perceive the need for their organization to change is longer then the time horizon dictated by their competitors, the probability of being able to change and sustain success is substantially reduced. It is therefore incumbent upon organizational leaders to match the evolution of change occurring in their external markets by promoting a continuous readiness for transformation. We begin our examination of organizational transformation with an assumption that all organizational leaders must remain vigilant to the ongoing need to evolve and transform, not when platforms are burning, but when they are just contemplating how to create those platforms. We also make a distinction between change efforts and transformation, with the latter representing fundamental change in how organizational members identify with and construe their roles in achieving and sustaining success in their organization. The ultimate goal for this presentation is to demonstrate the first principle of organizational transformation. Specifically, all employees must fundamentally alter how they each conceive of their organization, in order for their organization to achieve and sustain a successful transformation. We examined in a series of studies the 4 states that organizations navigate through to transform, and the key mechanisms comprising those states that promote a successful organizational transformation. Specific examples of how leaders have successfully navigated through change to transform their organization will be discussed and applied to the challenges facing attendee’s organizations.

    Prof. Bruce J. Avolio was has published 12 books and over 150 articles on leadership and related areas. In 2018, Bruce was recognized as being among the top 70 most highly cited researchers in the United States in Economics and Business, and among the top 3,000 across all sciences around the globe (Thompson Reuters). He was listed this past year at the #18th spot on the all time most highly cited industrial and organizational psychology researchers over the last 100 years.

    This event is organized by the Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organization in the new annual Leadership Lectures series.

    Participation in the event and following reception is free of charge. For registration, please send an email to a.kaluza@clbo-frankfurt.org. Registration deadline is February 7th, 2020.

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