June 25th, 2012 Gabriele Eick being interviewed by Rolf van Dick
Gabriele Eick started her career at IBM where she was director for the sales partner business. She has been, amongst other things, marketing director at A.C. Nielsen, Head of the economy development Frankfurt and director of the global communication for the Dresdner Bank Group. Many years she was President of the Frankfurter Marketing Club and is currently the deputy Vice President of the German Marketing Association. Gabriele Eick is a committed supporter of Plan International and as a member of the Council for the University of Frankfurt. In 1993 she was awarded with‘Manager of the Year’ by the economic magazine Forbes and in the same year titled “Woman of the year” by the magazine Horizont. Since 2000 she has been leading of her own management consultancy for communication and marketing. In the interview with Rolf van Dick she talks about her personal leadership style, responsibility, leadership and values and especially about differences between male and female styles of leadership.